basi instills in every student a lifelong thrist for continuing education

Advanced & Continuing Education
for Pilates Teachers

One of our most important missions is to encourage Pilates teachers to commit to furthering their education throughout their careers. Open to all Pilates professionals regardless of their original training, BASI Pilates Advanced and Continuing Education programs ensure everyone the opportunity to stay on the leading edge of the Pilates Method. We work with the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) to ensure that our students earn PMA Continuing Education Credits (CECs) whenever possible.

We Offer a variety of ways to enchancce your skills as a pilates professional. with
certificate courses, workshops, auditing opportunities, online programs, and conferences.

Upcoming teacher training programs

Perfect Your Movement Skills! Discover Extensive Teacher Training Programs or Advanced & Ongoing Educational Courses Customised to Your Professional Objectives!

Pilates for Injuries & Pathologies

Higher Education Program

Pilates for Injuries & Pathologies with Samantha Wood

Date :

13 - 15 Sept, 2024

Studio :

NYSY Studio

Presenter :

Samantha Wood

Certificate courses

Scheduled in 3 to 4 days formats, Basi Pilates certificate courses are a collaborations of experts from different disciplines working with Real Isacowitz and the BASI Pilates facility to tailor continuing education programs specifically for Pilates professionals.

Calendar >


Scheduled in 1 or 2-day formats, BASI Pilates workshops delve into specific facets of the Pilates method or teach the application of Pilates in specialized areas.

Calendar >

Ready To Get Started? Schedule Now

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